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Zifa Case Study: Can We Manage Your SEO for You?

Can Mastering P.o.P Managing Your SEO Work for You?

Hands down, the most popular question we get about our managed SEO service, Mastering P.oP., is “Will it work for my e-commerce store?”

We understand there are A LOT of e-commerce stores, e-comm business models, and industries out there. That's why when we created this membership, we designed it to work for any industry because it follows our curated SEO Workflow.

We strategically combine high-quality links and content with an advanced strategy, and you and Mastering P.o.P will execute it consistently so you get rankings & traffic to your site.

We started working with on the first week of May 2021. You can see her growth just from April to May 2021, and May to June 2021.

 The Jun 2021 screenshot above is the thirsd week of June 2021. We look forward to seeing the total number of keywords driving traffic to her website by the end of June 2021.

 As you can see in the screenshots below, her keyword growth was very-very slow before Mastering P.o.P started working with.  

Now, go back and look at Zifa's screenshot from May 2021 to the first week of June 2021.

Mastering E-comm with Mastering P.o.P monthly membership is designed to work for every e-commerce store no matter the industry or business model.

The above example is just one component (keywords) of the monthly digital marketing membership you will be paying into. The monthly membership also pays for the following:

Digital Marketing self-paced independent workflows loaded with knowledge, tips, and ways to scale your e-commerce store.

  1. SEO Workflow
  2. Email Workflow
  3. Partnership Workflow
  4. Suggested Apps Workflow

You will also receive the following bonuses:

  1. Backlinks Workflow
  2. Access to Mastering P.o.P Community of like-minded entrepreneurs, video tutorials, live zoom calls, etc. 
  3. Access to video tutorials, live weekly Zoom calls, access to clubhouse room recordings, and more!

There is a $299 Membership Set-Up fee that covers Keyword Research, Google Analytics, Search Console set-up, Website feedback, and Competitor Analysis. 

Every $149 monthly payment thereafter, covers the digital marketing services that you will receive from Mastering P.o.P.  Please note that you will have to do the work for this partnership to be mutually beneficial. 

We make 75% of the decisions involved to scale your store. Mastering P.o.P will set the targets and goals. You will handle the bi-weekly tasks given to you by Mastering P.o.P.

For example, Zifa had to implement her own title tags and meta descriptions into her e-commerce store.

  1. Mastering P.o.P did the keyword research
  2. Mastering P.o.P gave Zifa her title tags and meta descriptions

However, with the $299 onboarding membership

  1. We do your keyword research
  2. We provide you with your entire keyword list and write your title tags for your product & collection pages
  3. You will write your meta descriptions with the keywords given to you by Mastering P.o.P

We've set it up this way so that you learn and understand why we selected the keywords for your product and collection pages. Keywords are selected based on industry relevance, search volume, competitiveness, etc. 

With the $299 onboarding membership (1-50 products or less), you also get a Competitor Analysis.  If you have 50-100 products, the onboarding is $399, and 100-200 products $499. 

Mastering P.o.P identifies your major competitors and research their products, sales, and marketing strategies. ... We tell you what's missing in your competitor's product, and advise you on how you can add features to your own product to meet those needs.

We look at how customers perceive your competitors and the trends of the industry as a whole about your brand.

With the $299 onboarding membership, we also connect your Google Analytics and Search Console to your e-commerce store. We also make sure both platforms are connected together and e-commerce tracking is enabled. 

Once the entire onboarding set-up (listed below) is complete, we move on to email automation, optimizing for conversions and strategic partnerships. Remember, your onboarding membership and three-month commitment will get your Digital Marketing services aligned with the 'workflows' included in the membership. 

  1. Keyword Research
  2. Keyword Implementation is done by you (e.g. title tags, meta descriptions, product and collection descriptions aka copy, alt tags)
  3. Google Analytics & Search Console set-up
  4. Website feedback
  5. Competitor Analysis

You also will have access to a community of like-minded e-commerce store owners, entrepreneurs like you  (entrepreneurs) who are also receiving expert support in building a digital marketing program that achieves results. When you make it inside this membership, introduce yourself to the community, and don't forget to say hello to Zifa and Lori with Milton's Daughter

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