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The Importance of a Welcome Series Email Flow for Non-Buyers

email automation email flows email marketing welcome series

If you're like most e-commerce stores, your Welcome Series is designed to introduce new customers to your brand and convert them into buyers. There are a lot of things to think about when you're setting up your Welcome Series, but one of the most important is how you'll capture people's emails in the first place. If you don't have a solid plan for capturing emails, your series won't be very successful.

We collect emails through the following subscription forms. However you choose to collect emails, make sure that you're doing it in a way that's compliant with GDPR and other privacy regulations.

  • Pop-ups
  • Flyouts
  • Embedded forms

Email popups conversion rates:

  • 2% to 4% is the average form conversion rate before people join Mastering P.o.P
  • Most of our clients are seeing 6% to 8% form conversion rates on average after they start implementing our suggestions

Standard popup behavior:

  • Show when a site visitor is exiting a page
  • Show after 6 to 10 seconds of a page loading
  • Show after scrolling 60% of the site
  • Show again after 60 days (or even 5 if we want to be aggressive) 
    • This will show for people who are unknown (haven't captured their email)

Anyone who's ever joined an email list knows that the first few emails you receive after sign-up are important. They set the tone of your relationship with the brand and can make or break whether a subscriber continues to engage with your content. That's why the Welcome Series is so important. It's one of the top revenue-producing flows for all of our clients, because it gets subscribers accustomed to engaging with your brand. Plus, it sets the stage for a positive future relationship.


Types of content to focus on:

  • Welcome
  • Introduce your brand
  • What to expect (campaign frequency)
  • Thank you
  • Offer discount code

Subject line ----------->  preview text ideas:

  • Thanks for signing up!   ------> use your discount
  • Get 10% OFF (more info inside!) -------> it will expire
  • Welcome to [BRAND NAME]  ---------> don't miss out
  • Welp, you're part of the fam now -----------> grab your code
  • Fantastic. You are in!  ------------> get 10% OFF

When to send this email:

  • Immediately after someone subscribes to your list

Be aware:

  • The first email in the welcome series is often more effective than other emails within this welcome series flow.
  • You should be hitting a minimum of 30%-50% open rate with the first welcome series flow. I've seen as high as 70%-80% open rate.


Types of content to focus on:

  • Brand Benefits
  • Show Customer Reviews 

Subject line ----------->  preview text ideas:

  • This is what they're saying ----------> people like to talk
  • Here's the benefit  ---------->  this is what they're saying

When you should send this email:

2 days after email #1. Feel free to test time delays for this email. For some brands sending this email 1 day later may perform better than 2 days later


Types of content to focus on:

  • Unique Quality Standards
  • Compare your shipping vs competitors
  • More Benefits of Shopping with Your Company
  • Showcase Popular or Best sellers

Subject line ----------->  preview text ideas:

  • Want free shipping or nah?  ------> you can't get this anywhere
  • You can't beat this ---------> look at the difference

When you should send this email:

  • 2 to 3 days after email #2. You will want to test which time delay is optimal for this email.

Note: You want to send this email if people don't convert from the prior two emails.


Types of content to focus on:

  • Where do you hang out? ----------> come see us here

Subject line ----------->  preview text ideas:

  • We're in this together, right? ------------> we're here for you
  • We want to be social ----------> what about you?
  • We can be friends ----------->  we're still over here 

When you should send this email:

  • 3 to 4 days after email 3. You will want to test which time delay is optimal for this email.


Types of content to focus on:

  • Products for as low $_________  
  • Have you seen our new arrivals? 

When you should send this email:

  • 4 to 5 days after email 4.  You will want to test which time delay is optimal for this email.

If you apply the strategies I’ve outlined in this guide and continue to test, measure, and analyze your results, you will see a significant increase in revenue. Welcome Series emails for non-buyers are one of the most effective ways to turn them into customers, but there are other things you can do as well. Continue testing different offers, CTAs, copy, and design until you find what works best for your brand. And remember to analyze the results of your efforts so that you can replicate what’s working and eliminate what isn’t.

In the video, I'm showing you Welcome Series Email #1

Subject line - Thanks for signing up! Use your code!

Preview Text - Get 10% OFF

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