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The Email Marketing Metrics that You Should Know

email marketing email marketing metrics

As an email marketer, you must know the metrics that matter in order to scale your business. Email metrics give you valuable insight into whether or not your emails are successful.

The following metrics are essential for any email marketer, along with their corresponding formulas:

1. Clickthrough Rate: The percentage of email recipients who clicked on one or more links in a given email.

Formula: Total clicks OR unique clicks ÷ Number of delivered emails) * 100

2. Conversion Rate: The percentage of email recipients who clicked on a link within an email and completed a desired action.

Formula: Number of people who completed the desired action ÷ Number of total emails delivered) * 100

3. Bounce Rate: The percentage of your total emails sent that could not be successfully delivered to the recipient's inbox.

Formula: Total number of bounced emails ÷ Number of emails sent) * 100

4. List Growth Rate: The rate at which your email list is growing.

Formula: ([(Number of new subscribers) minus (Number of unsubscribers + email/spam complaints)] ÷ Total number of email addresses on your list]) * 100

5. Email Sharing/Forwarding Rate: The percentage of email recipients who clicked on a “share this” button to post email content to a social network, and/or who clicked on a “forward to a friend” button.

Formula: (Number of clicks on a share and/or forward button ÷ Number of total delivered emails) * 100

6. Overall Return on Investment (ROI): The overall return on investment for your email campaigns.

Formula: [($ in additional sales made minus $ invested in the campaign) ÷ $ invested in the campaign] * 100

7. Open Rate: The percentage of email recipients who open a given email.

Formula: Email Open Rate = Number of Emails Read / Number of Delivered Emails *100

8. Unsubscribe Rate: The percentage of email recipients unsubscribe from your send list after opening a given email.

Formula: Unsubscribe Rate = (Unsubscribes/Delivered Emails) * 100

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