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Routine Tracker: Tracking Your SEO & Digital Marketing Efforts

digital marketing routine tracker seo

If you're not tracking your marketing efforts, you're wasting time and money.

Are you tired of wasting time and money on SEO & Digital Marketing?

Imagine having a tool that helps you track all the marketing activities that matter in one place. Mastering P.o.P's new SEO & Digital Marketing Routine Tracker is easy to use, and it will help you stay focused on the right tasks so you can get more traffic and conversions from search engines like Google.

Digital marketing is a complex and ever-changing field. It can be difficult to track your progress and measure your success without the right tools. That's where the Routine Tracker comes in. This powerful tool helps you to get in the habit of tracking, measuring, analyzing, and optimizing your marketing efforts. It's time to get into a routine and see real results in your traffic and conversions. 

Use the Routine Tracker to identify what's working and what's not, so you can adjust your strategy accordingly. Stay focused on the activities that will move the needle in your business!

What marketing components does Mastering P.o.P's Routine Tracker Track?

  • SEO
  • Email Marketing
  • Content
  • Partnerships
  • Link Building
  • Social Media
  • Paid

Mastering P.o.P's membership is currently $149 and will soon increase to $199 per month!

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Watch the video above!

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Mastering P.o.P's live Zoom calls take place on Sunday's 7am PST and Wednesdays 5:30pm PST. All Zoom calls are recorded, timestamped and available for replays. Want to join a live Zoom call? It's FREE! Join a Digital Marketing & SEO Live Zoom Call with Mastering P.o.P's Tia Jones.  

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