There are a lot of different methods of getting content in front of a business’ target audience. The most common, yet often the hardest sell of which is SEO. Search Engine Optimization has a plethora of benefits that many small businesses refuse to acknowledge. Instead, business owners focus on less desirable options, such as PPC, stating unpredictability as their main objection to SEO. However, what these businesses fail to realize is that PPC only works at its full potential when paired with SEO. Plus, their surmised unpredictability is only due to their basic knowledge of SEO.
Can a business have success without SEO? Sure. It is possible. Yet, the full potential of their marketing reach will never be met without using such a widespread system. Therefore, regardless of the business’ current success, failing to implement SEO is lowballing your bottom line.
Here are the reasons SEO is essential to fueling your business’ full potential.
PPC Works with SEO
PPC is not a replacement for SEO. Instead, the two processes create a combo of prolific sales proportions. Neither is as powerful apart as they are together and neither tactic can replace the other. This is because SEO is the bait and PPC is the finisher. SEO sets the stage, connecting the content to relevant keyword searches throughout the internet. Search engines can string together the keywords and show searchers, as the algorithm sees fit. Obviously, the more keywords in the content align with the search, the higher the content will appear on search engines.
PPC multiplies the power of those keywords by specifying the result. PPC takes the original SEO content and makes it unable to be missed by searchers. Therefore, when the PPC is clicked, the searchers are brought to the exact page they wanted to see.
Underestimating Niches
Keywords sometimes vary from the ultimate sales goal, to cast a wider net. For instance, if a dealership is in a town, it makes sense their keywords would name the town. However, by using SEO, naming surrounding towns, cities, and even the state, would draw a larger, more profitable niche. After all, even if the town is affluent, they are only going to buy so many cars. Plus, for a dealership, it is not uncommon for people to go a fair distance to buy a car. Thus, ignoring a larger range within the niche is completely snubbing valuable, potential customers.
Google Updates Could Kill Your Business
August 2018 saw the demise of many undeveloped SEO websites. When Google’s infamous “Medic” update was implemented, websites that failed SEO practices plummeted in sales, traffic, and digital dignity. Many webmasters went as far as to say that “Medic” completely killed their business altogether.
Of course, it is not possible to predict exactly what Google updates will do to site traffic. However, denying the latest SEO practices is guaranteed to sever a website from viewers instantaneously. After the damage is done, the only thing left is to rebuild. Hopefully, this time, you will heed the SEO practices set in place by the search engine superpower.