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Push Notifications are Important for Online Businesses

push notifications pushowl web push notifications Jun 06, 2022

If you're like most online business owners, you're always looking for ways to increase sales and keep your audience engaged. A great way to achieve both is by using push notifications.

The video above shows how to set up a push notification using the Shopify app PushOwl. With push notifications, you can instantly alert customers about new products, sales, blog posts, or special offers. It’s an effective way to keep your audience engaged and encourage them to return to your website.

What is a Web Push Notification?

Web push notifications are short messages that appear on a subscriber's screen via desktop or mobile browsers. They’re an easy way to keep your audience updated on product launches, promotions, and new content without requiring them to visit your website or check their email.

Because they can be sent to both desktop and mobile devices, your subscribers stay connected even when they’re on the go. Best of all, setting up web push notifications is often free, especially if you're using tools like PushOwl.

Why Push Notifications Are Important for Online Business Owners:

  • Instant Communication: Instantly reach your audience with real-time updates.
  • Convert Traffic into Subscribers: Push notifications can turn website visitors into subscribers, leading to future purchases.
  • Reduce Abandoned Carts: Send personalized messages to remind customers about items left in their cart.
  • Unregulated Marketing Channels: Push notifications bypass spam filters, making them a direct way to reach your audience in industries like cannabis, gaming, or CBD.

Why Push Notifications Are Beneficial for Customers:

  • Privacy: No personal information is collected.
  • Anonymity: 90% of users who opt-in remain anonymous.
  • Convenience: Short, easy-to-read updates keep customers informed without being intrusive.

Push Notifications vs. Text:

Push notifications are short messages sent by an app or website to a mobile or desktop device, while texts are sent through a cellular network. Push notifications can include rich media like images and videos and can be delivered even without a cellular connection, as long as there's internet access.

Push Notifications vs. Email:

Push notifications are brief and delivered directly to the user's device, whereas emails are typically longer and accessed through an email client like Gmail or Outlook. Push notifications are more immediate and suited for time-sensitive updates like promotions or product launches.

Push Notifications for Online Businesses:

Push notifications can promote sales, remind customers about abandoned carts, or provide personalized recommendations. They offer an immediate, engaging way to reach customers and potential buyers, making them a powerful tool for boosting conversions and customer loyalty.

What is a Push Notification Examples(s)?

Mobile providers like Verizon, AT&T, Tmobile send out personalized recommendations for new mobile devices. Pizza brands like Pizza Hut, and Little Cesars are using push notifications to share their lunch and dinner deals. Instacart is using push notifications to remind us that we might running low on different food items. 

The video above shows how to set-up a push notification using Push Notification App PushOwl.

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