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Mastering P.o.P Member Scales E-Comm Store to 5-Figures Per Month

dawntheme shopify shopify 2.0 website speed
Mastering P.o.P with Tia Jones
Mastering P.o.P Member Scales E-Comm Store to 5-Figures Per Month

This audio is from the Clubhouse room titled 'SEO x Email Marketing x Partnerships x Paid Ads x Backlinks'. The room was held under the Shopify 101 Club on the Clubhouse App.  We talked about Search Engine Optimization, Conversion apps to install and manually set up, mandatory email flows, paid ads, influencer marketing, and more! 

Yes, the entire audio is here for you to enjoy. Make sure you're ready to take notes!  

**NOTE -- there is DEAD AIR SPACE starting at 48:50 until 50:51 minutes!!! The good news is, the audio picks back up. THANK GOODNESS! 

Shopify 101 club on the Clubhouse App is a space to learn all things Shopify, e-commerce, and Digital Marketing Tues, Thurs, and Fri at 7 am PST. Rooms are recorded and used for marketing purposes.

In this room, the owner-operator of Milton's Daughter talks about scaling her store to 5-figures per month in under 6 months with Mastering P.o.P's help. Lori is a furniture artist and teacher of how to make and paint all things. She carries the full Iron Orchid DesignsDIY PaintSweet Pickins Milk PaintCling On! Brushes, Paint Pixie Brushes, Monahan Papers, and more!

Also, theme was updated to Dawn 2.0 in under 1.5 hours on Nov14th 2021. Her Shopify Speed score went from 29 to 41 in two days and gave her an A.


The following screenshot is Lori's SHOPIFY speed score.



The following screenshot is Lori's GTmetrix grade score.



Dawn Theme Features:

  • High Performance & High Speed
    • The new Shopify Dawn theme removes all the unwanted or unused scripts and codes from the theme templates. Dawn Theme is 35% comparatively faster than Debut theme.
  • Compatibility
  • Flexibility
  • Hierarchal Structure
  • Sections Available on All Pages
  • Metafields
  • Template Creation
    • With the new feature of Online Store 2.0 you can now easily create a template for specific pages that you want to add and then you can assign specific products or collections to it.

Debut Theme Features:

  • Slideshow
    • This feature lets you display multiple products or brand images.
  • Predictive Search
    • This feature will show you live search results and quick links related to products and store pages.
  • Customer Testimonial
  • Promotional Banner
  • Suitable for Small Catalogs
    • This theme is a perfect fit for stores having a small number of products.
  • Home Page Video
  • Product Recommendations
  • Product Filtering
  • Debut Theme Styles
  • Default and Light are the two variant styles that come in Shopify Debut themes.
  • Theme Editor

The following stores are currently using the Dawn 2.0 theme. 

  1. - Tia 
  2. - Mastering P.o.P member 
  3. - Mastering P.o.P member
  4.  - Mastering P.o.P member
  5.  - Mastering P.o.P member 
  6.  - Mastering P.o.P member
  7. https//  - Mastering P.o.P member 
  8. - Mastering P.o.P member
  9. - Mastering P.o.P member 
  10. - Mastering P.o.P member
  12. - Mastering P.o.P member 

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