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How to Check the Content Velocity of Your Competitors for FREE?

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What is Content Velocity? 

Content Velocity is a measure of how fast content is created and how often it's updated. It's a good way to gauge the health of a content strategy, and it can help content creators understand what's working and what isn't.

A high Content Velocity means that content is being created at a rapid pace, and it's being updated frequently. This is a good sign that the content strategy is effective and that content creators are responsive to changes in the market.

A low Content Velocity, on the other hand, indicates that content isn't being created or updated very frequently. This can be a sign that the content strategy needs to be revised, or that content creators aren't very active. Either way, it's important to keep an eye on Content Velocity so that you can make sure your content strategy is on track. 

Check the Content Velocity of Your Competitors for Free Using Google?

Again, the Content Velocity of a competitor can be a good indicator of their success. 

There are a few ways to measure the Content Velocity of a competitor.

  1. One way is to look at the number of blog posts, pages, content assets they created and  published in a given time period.
  2. Second way is to look at the number of social media updates they have made in a given time period.

By looking at these indicators, you can get a good sense of how quickly a competitor is producing new content and how successful they are likely to be.

How Can You Check Your Content Velocity or Your Competitors?

Simply use, and then filter the results by dates. This will give you a list of all the content (e.g. blogs/articles, product, collection pages, etc) that has been published on their site within the specified time frame. By comparing this to your own content output, you can get an idea of how you stack up in terms of content production. If you find that you are falling behind, it may be time to ramp up your content creation efforts.

Again, Content Velocity is the rate at which content is created or published. Checking your competitor's Content Velocity can give you insights into how they are able to produce content at such a high rate, and can also help you to identify potential opportunities for content marketing.

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