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Interview Clip: ManyChat CEO Mike Yan Talks Instagram Abandoned Carts

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For 99% of eCommerce stores, email should be the first line of defense for abandoned cart shoppers; and your abandoned cart flow should include at least three emails.  

Most eCommerce store owners only send out a single abandoned cart email because they don’t want to potentially annoy their customers. However, if you stop after one email you are potentially losing out on leaving a significant amount of money.

Now what about sending potential customers abandoned cart via Instagram? Did you know this was even a thing? I bet you didn't!

In this clip, @Manychat CEO, @themikeyan shares the abandoned cart open and click through rate via Instagram. 

This Clubhouse room was hosted under the Shopify 101 ClubThe room was titled ManyChat CEO Talks Chatbots with Us (Q & A). You can find the complete audio of this room at (membership required).

Instagram DM Automation by ManyChat


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